Gyani Baba

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Saturday, April 18, 2020

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Astonishing facts about the great pyramids of Giza

1. The great pyramids of Giza are one of the oldest monuments and they were made about 3,800 years ago

2. The blocks used in making of the pyramids were about 2,500kgs to 70,000kgs in weight but it is impossible for today also to lift that much of weight as the modern cranes can also lift only about 20,000kgs of weight.

In the image you can clearly see an alien like creature with a big head and a little height as shown in most of the movies. Scientists believe that the pyramids were built by aliens. also you can see a UFO like drawing. Can it be a symbol that aliens had come to the e earth and took alien technology with them and made pyramids? But why would they made them? Scientists believe that the pyramids were used by aliens to communicate to the earth.

5.on 3rd December 2012 mercury, Venus and Saturn aligned with the pyramids after 2,737 years which shows how precisely the pyramids were made and it was impossible for humans to make it.

How were the facts please tell me on the comments and share my page. Rest of the facts will be updated in the next part.

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