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Showing posts with label Solar system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar system. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2020



Hey guys, welcome to a new post on Gyani baba today we will know about the planet  Venus and we will also know some of its facts which you have never heard.


Venus planet was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei with the help of his self designed telescope. 


It is a terrestrial planet with a solid rocky surface. It is a challenge for scientists to study about the surface of planet Venus but in its atmosphere there is maximum amount of Carbon Dioxide CO2 (96.5%) other substances in its atmosphere are Nitrogen, Sulphur Dioxide, Water Vapurs, Argon etc. Which makes it an impossible place for life. Due to high amount of CO2, Greenhouse effect is seen there in a huge amoumt which makes it the hottest planet in the solar system. 

Relation with the solar system

It is the second nearest planet with the Sun and the nearest planet to the Earth. It is about 108.85 million km from the Sun. It is the hottest and brightest planet in the Solar system which can be seen before sunrise or after sunset. So, it is called morning or evening star. It is tilted about 3 degrees only on its axis. 

Some astonishing facts

  1. It has the most straight axis because it has a tilt of only 3 degrees on its axis i.e. there is only a little difference between day and night of the planet.
  2. The time taken by Venus for one revolution is about 224.7 Earth days and time taken for one rotation is about 243 Earth days. Thus one day on Venus is longer than on year.
  3. It is the only planet in solar system which spins clockwise.
  4. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is about 90 times more than that of Earth.
  5. The temperature is so high and the atmosphere is so acidic that a single blow of the planet's air is enough to turn a living man into skeleton.
  6. It is known as Earth's twin as it is same in size as Earth.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Facts you didn't know about mercury

Hey friends today I'm going to start a new series about the solar system.  Hope you will like it this is my first post about mercury enjoy the post.

1. Mercury is the smallest planet of the solar system and also the nearest planet from sun.
in this image you can clearly see the size of mercury as compared to the earth.

2. It takes about 58 days to complete its one rotation and about 88 days to complete its revolution, which means that its one year is only about its 1.5 days long.

3. The most astonishing fact about it is that it has a a very strong magnetic field around it.
this image explains about the magnetic field around it. 

4. It is even today also unknown that who has discovered mercury.

5. Unlike other planets mercury doesn't  have its own natural healing power by geological processes as a result it has many craters and basins larger than 250 km are termed as basins.
This is the largest basin called the caloris basin with diameter of 1550 km.

6. Mercury has wrinkles on its surfaces and also a molten core.

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Saturday, April 18, 2020

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Astonishing facts about the great pyramids of Giza

1. The great pyramids of Giza are one of the oldest monuments and they were made about 3,800 years ago

2. The blocks used in making of the pyramids were about 2,500kgs to 70,000kgs in weight but it is impossible for today also to lift that much of weight as the modern cranes can also lift only about 20,000kgs of weight.

In the image you can clearly see an alien like creature with a big head and a little height as shown in most of the movies. Scientists believe that the pyramids were built by aliens. also you can see a UFO like drawing. Can it be a symbol that aliens had come to the e earth and took alien technology with them and made pyramids? But why would they made them? Scientists believe that the pyramids were used by aliens to communicate to the earth.

5.on 3rd December 2012 mercury, Venus and Saturn aligned with the pyramids after 2,737 years which shows how precisely the pyramids were made and it was impossible for humans to make it.

How were the facts please tell me on the comments and share my page. Rest of the facts will be updated in the next part.
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